Boards and Committees
The North Sound BH-ASO has a Board of Directors and an Advisory Board. Both groups provide fundamental guidance to the organization and are an important part of community involvement in ASO services.
Advisory Board
The purpose of the North Sound Behavioral Health Advisory Board is to advocate for a system of care that is shaped by the voices of our communities and people using behavioral health services. The del...MORE >
Board of Directors
On behalf of the County Authorities, the Board of Directors govern the North Sound BH-ASO, and is comprised of individual representatives from the counties of Island, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, and...MORE >
Interlocal Leadership Structure
The Interlocal Leadership Structure [ILS] provides a structure for the North Sound County Authorities, North Sound BH-ASO, the Apple Health Managed Care Organizations, and the state Health Care Author...MORE >
Youth and Family Coalition
The North Sound Youth and Family Coalition (YFC) is one of 10 regional Family, Youth, System Partner Round Tables (FYSPRT) committed to creating an opportunity for youth and families to share their ex...MORE >